The following checklist will facilitate your mortgage loan interview. The checklist includes most of the information that you and any co-borrower will need to supply.

In preparation for your loan interview, review the information below. We suggest you print this worksheet, then check each box after you've gathered the required data.  Your loan officer may go over the information with you and then request that you email, fax or overnight some of the documents.  A PHOTO ID will be required on all applications and must be submitted.

Social Security Number/Date of Birth

Most recent pay stub that shows year-to-date earnings.

W-2 Tax Forms

Original copies sent to you by the Internal Revenue Service for the past two years.

Employer Information

Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of employers for the past two years

Account Information

Account numbers and current balances of checking, savings, and any other accounts.

Current Assets

Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), CDs, stocks, bonds, etc.

Personal Property

Value of property that can include life insurance, retirement accounts, cars, etc.

A discussion on liabilities, including any that may not show on a credit report.
Current and Previous Addresses

Be reay to discuss the addresses and possible values of all properties owned.


There may be some special situations that require you to supply additional information. These include:

If you are self-employed or work on a commissioned basis, you will need your federal tax forms for the past two years and a current year-to-date profit and loss statement.  You will need both your personal and business returns, W2's, K1's and paystubs (as applicable).

If you include pension, disability, Social Security, or other public assistance as part of your income, you'll need to submit a copy of your award letter, most recent year's 1099 and a recent bank statement showing the deposit of the income.

These are just examples of items that may be needed.  Please note that the more thorough the application the eaiser the process!  We are here to help you!